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The PSAT will be administered to all Assisi Scholars in the 10th and 11th grade at RBHS on October 3, 2023. The PSAT is designed as an early indicator of a students readiness for college level work. Review your answers, check your test booklet, and understand where you made your mistakes. Use this as a learning experience. Be sure to review the "Improving your skills" section. Please contact your counselor if you have questions.

Information on the Score Report:

Score: The PSAT/NMSQT® score reports provide three different scores on the 20-to-80 scale, one each for critical reading, math problem solving, and writing skills.

Selection Index: Also on your score report is the “Selection Index”, which is the sum of the three scores (CR+M+WS). The Selection Index ranges from 60 to 240. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation will use this score to determine those to be honored by its scholarship program. Of the more than 1.5 million test takers, about 55,000 will earn scores high enough to qualify for recognition. These students will be notified in September, 2017.

Percentiles: Percentiles allow you to compare your scores with those of other juniors. For example, a student with a percentile of 53 has earned a score better than 53 out of every 100 college-bound juniors who took the test.

Score Range: No test measures precisely what you know. Think of a score as a range from a few points below to a few points above the score earned. They show how much your scores would likely vary if you took the PSAT/NMSQT® a number of times.

What SAT Score Ranges Can You Expect? Scores on the SAT I range from 200 to 800. Adding a zero to your PSAT/NMSQT scores gives you an estimate of what your SAT I scores might be. This section of your Score Report Plus gives you an idea of the range in which your SAT scores might fall. However, how well you do ultimately depends on how much you improve your academic skills before you take the SAT.

Review Your Answers: In this section, the number, correct answer, your answer, and level of difficulty are displayed for every question on the test. This is extremely valuable to you since you get your actual copy of the PSAT/NMSQT test booklet back when you receive your Score Report Plus.

Improve Your Skills: Perhaps the most valuable part of your Score Report Plus is the "Improve Your Skills" section. Here you will get personalized feedback on your academic skills, based on your test performance. For each section of the test, Critical Reading, Math, and Writing Skills, you will be directed to two or three skills that need some improvement, as indicated by your answers to questions on the PSAT/NMSQT®. Under each skill that needs work, you'll be given suggestions for how to improve that particular skill. The set of skills you will find on your Score Report Plus are unique to you.

My College QuickStart: My College QuickStart is an easy-to-use, online, personalized college and career planning kit available free of charge to all students who take the PSAT/NMSQT. The information and answers students provided when they took the test are incorporated into this useful tool, and it presents their data back to them in four main parts: My Online Score Report, My SAT Study Plan, My College Matches, and My Major and Career Matches. Access is available using the access code printed on the student's paper score report.

Visit\quickstart. Access is available using the access code printed on the student’s paper score report.

Click here for A Parent Tutorial: Understanding PSAT/NMSQT Results