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The goal of the Intervention Services Department at Roger Bacon High school is to provide support so that students can be successful in the regular education classroom, meet high school graduation requirements, and be prepared for entry into the work force or college upon graduation. Here are a few of our frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Your student will first need to be evaluated. For your student to be evaluated, please email the Director of Student Services, Jessica Smith (jsmith@rogerbacon.org) requesting that your student be evaluated. If your child has a diagnosis from a doctor, please attach that information along with your request for an evaluation. Our team will then get back to you regarding the process and to obtain consent to evaluate.
If the eligibility team at Roger Bacon determines that your child is not eligible for special education, you will be notified in writing with an explanation as to why your child has been found “not eligible.” Under IDEA, we will also provide you with you information about what you can do if you disagree with this decision.
Our intervention team, or your respective school district, will contact you to set a date for an IEP meeting. An IEP stands for an Individualized Education Plan. An IEP meeting will be held within 30 days of your student being determined as eligible and the purpose of this meeting is to (1) to set learning goals for your child; and (2) to state the supports and services that the school district will provide for your child.
Questions regarding special education services at Roger Bacon can be directed to Director of Student Services, Jessica Smith, at jsmith@rogerbacon.org or 513-641-1300. If your student is currently receiving services here at Roger Bacon, please contact the grade-level Intervention Specialist.