Credit Flexibility
In accordance with state law, Roger Bacon High School has developed
and implemented a credit flexibility policy that enables students to
earn high
school credit by demonstrating subject area competency
through experiences and study outside of school. See our Credit
Flexibility Policy below
and link to download an application.
Credit Flexibility Application
Roger Bacon High School Credit Flexibility Policy
I. Rationale
Credit flexibility shifts the focus from “seat time” to performance. Students can earn units of high school credit based on an individually approved credit flexibility plan. The intent of credit flexibility is to meet increased expectations for high school graduation in response to globalization, technology and demographics, and the demand for 21st
century skills.
II. Definition
In accordance with state law,
High School has developed and implements a
credit flexibility policy that enables students to earn high school
credit by demonstrating
subject area competency through any of the
following options:
- 1. Completing traditional coursework for which one Carnegie Unit shall be granted for 120 hours of class time.
- 2. Testing out or otherwise demonstrating mastery of the course content established by the curriculum of
High School.
- 3. Pursuing an educational option in accordance with the model for credit flexibility adopted by the State Board of Education.
III. Policy
Students interested in earning credit through flexible
methods must submit a personalized learning plan to the Student Services Department. The personalized
learning plan must identify the learning outcomes of the
course. Methods chosen to earn credit must be approved in advance by the
and cannot rewrite the school’s mission or curricular
High School retains the rights and responsibility to determine what counts as curricular content, learning outcomes, methods of
learning, assessments, and criteria for assigning grades.
High School shall not limit
the number of credits students can obtain through demonstration of
mastery or completion
of educational options;
however, this does not mean that any and every course can be completed
in any way an
individual student desires.
Roger Bacon will not permit early graduation due to credits earned
through the
credit flexibility option.
IV. Procedures
- 1. Students must submit a personalized learning plan or request a testing out option in April for the following year for approval
by the Chair of the department in which credit is being
sought or his/her designee, the student’s counselor, and the
Dean of Academics. Final approval will be granted by the
Principal. Students seeking approval for educational options taking
place off-site
must submit a liability waiver signed by their parents
or legal guardians. Because
High School is a Catholic institution, courses contrary to Catholic teachings will not be approved.
- 2. Students may test out or otherwise demonstrate mastery
of the course content established by the curriculum of Roger Bacon High
School by
earning a score of a 90% or better on an alternate form
of assessment, such as an end of course exam, approved by the Department
Chair and
the Dean of Academics.
- 3. Students may earn credit through the following educational option plan
- a. Successfully complete a college-level course through CCP (College Credit Plus)
- b. Successfully complete an educational option plan, including online courses and programs approved by the State of
Ohio and
High School
- c. Successfully demonstrate mastery through
methods such as portfolios, internships, work study, independent study
plans or any combination
of these methods
- 4. Students are responsible for any costs associated with
the personal learning plan including assessment and transportation
- 5. Students must attend five classes daily at
High School and pay full tuition. In accordance with the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, all students must attend
Theology class daily.
- 6. Students will work with a teacher of record at
High School throughout an agreed upon
timeline to ensure that curricular objectives are met. Advising teachers
are to be compensated
by the student at a rate of $30/hour for
their time.
- 7. A student who fails to meet the standards for ongoing
participation, satisfactory progress and final assessment described in
his or her personalized
learning plan will not receive credit.
- 8. Grades earned by a student will be calculated in the student’s GPA and class ranking.
- 9. While doing work for an approved personalized learning
plan, students are expected to adhere to all of the policies regarding
behavior and
academic work that are stated in the Student Handbook.
- 10. High school athletic eligibility is based on grades
reported at the end of each quarter. Students and parents are reminded
that credits
earned in the summer months through credit flexibility
plans do not count for eligibility toward fall sports. Please check the
NCAA requirements
regarding their recognition of credit flexibility
- 11. Should students or parents/guardians have a
disagreement with a decision or action regarding any aspect of the
credit flexibility procedures
and guidelines, they may request an appeal and have the
right to a hearing. Appeals must be formally written and submitted to
the Credit
Flexibility Committee. The appeals will be reviewed by
the Credit Flexibility Committee comprised of the building principal, a
school counselor,
and a teacher representative from the department in the
relevant subject area not involved in the original approval and
assessment of the
student. The student filing the appeal and his or her
parent/guardian(s) shall be given an opportunity to present concerns and
to the committee. The committee will review appeals
within 10 days from the date the appeal was submitted in writing. The
decision of the
committee shall be final unless overturned by the
V. Academic Integrity
Credit flexibility options are the sole responsibility of the
student. The student must complete all work and final products on
his/her own. Students
may accept support, feedback, and/or knowledge from outside
sources to assist in the completion of their credit flexibility option,
but credit
must be given to outside sources for their contribution to
the work. Students and/or parents/guardians deemed to be in violation of
these academic
integrity guidelines will be notified of the complaint and
informed of the revocation of their credit flexibility option. In
addition, the
student will receive no credit and a failing grade for the
course which will be reported on his/her transcript and factored into
his/her GPA.
He/she will also be denied participation in any future
requests to participate in the credit flexibility option.
VI. Data Collecting
The principal or his/her designee will collect data on the
frequency and methods of communication with parents. He/She will receive
a copy of all
personal learning plans that have been reviewed and maintain
data on the following: # of students using credit flexibility, types of
grades, demographics, type of methods used for mastery. All
data will be reported annually to the Ohio Department of Education.
VII. Communication
High School’s credit flexibility plan will be posted on the school’s web site and printed in student handbooks. Students will be
informed of the credit flexibility program at their annual scheduling information session.
Updated February 2018