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National Honor Society is an organization whose membership is by invitation only. Students in National Honor Society are well-rounded students who exemplify the main components of NHS: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service.
Letters of application are given to sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have achieved a certain minimum GPA at the semester. The following weighted GPAs are used to determine eligibility:
The cornerstones of NHS: scholarship, leadership, service,
and character, should be demonstrated on the application and will
determine a student’s
induction into the Society.
A faculty/staff based committee evaluates the applications and selects the members. Inductions are held in the spring of each year.
Primarily service-oriented, the NHS assists other students and other organizations in their school functions. Projects include: Blood Drive with Hoxworth, tutoring RB students, and working events such as Open House and Evening for Excellence.
Meetings are held regularly during the school year, usually during flex bell.
Mrs. Andrea Welt
English Department, NHS Director 513-641-1300 12568 Send a message