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Online Databases

For username and password information, please see your classroom teacher.


INFOhio provides instant access to thousands of online publications, including popular magazines, scholarly research journals, newspapers from Ohio and the nation, encyclopedias, dictionaries, speeches, poems, plays, maps and satellite images of Ohio. It is also a good place to go for tools and tips to help you begin your research.
Visit the INFOhio website

Discovery Education

Discovery Education offers a wealth of digital media content from video clips, to interactive textbooks, to virtual experiences.
Discovery Education

Facts on File - Issues and Controversies

Issues and Controversies provides exclusive, extensive coverage of hundreds of today's hot topics, with unbiased analysis and rich related resources.
Facts on File - Issues and Controversies

Facts on File - Issues and Controversies in American History

Issues and Controversies in American History builds a deeper understanding of how historical events have shaped our nation by exploring the key players and the battles they fought.
Facts on File - Issues and Controversies in American History

World News Digest

Authoritative world news coverage from 1940 through today: provides information, context, and perspective.
Visit the World News Digest

Bloom's Literature

Bloom's Literature examines great writers, important works, memorable characters, and influential movements and events in world literature.
Bloom's Literature

Science Online

Science Online presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, biographies, and experiments.
Science Online


ABC-CLIO is an award-winning publisher of reference, contemporary thought, and professional development content, created to help students, educators, librarians, and general readers of all ages wrestle with complex challenges. In addition to the following databases, ABC-CLIO includes tools for getting started with your research.

Available Databases:

  • American Government
  • American History
  • Issues
  • Pop Culture Universe
  • United States Geography
  • World at War
  • World Geography
  • World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras
  • World History: The Modern Era
  • World Religions
  • eBooks Collection

ABC-CLIO Solutions

The Public Library

The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County offers a wide variety of databases. A Public Library card is required for access.
The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Databases