Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
"Argument is conclusive, but it does not remove doubt, so that the mind may rest in the sure knowledge of the truth, unless it finds it by the method of experiment."
- Friar Roger Bacon
Core Courses
Integrated Science
Materials Science
Anatomy & Physiology
Environmental Science
Elective Courses
3-D Design
Anatomy & Physiology
Engineering I and II
Ethics in Science
Introduction to Computer Programming
Website Design I and II
Advanced Placement®
AP® Biology
AP® Chemistry
AP® Physics I
AP® Computer Science A
Special Programs
3-D Design - project based class where students learn to design and manufacture items using a 3D printer and design software
Science Fair - Each year, students can participate in the school Science Fair, with an opportunity to qualify for the District Science Fair at the University of Cincinnati.
For detailed information on our course offerings, please refer to our CURRICULUM GUIDE HERE.
Mrs. Sara Russell
Science Department Chair 513.641.1300 17787 Send a message
Mr. Bill Braselton
Strength and Conditioning Coach, Science Department 513.641.1300 12272 Send a message
Br. Chris Cahill OFM
Science Department 513.641.1300 12224 Send a message
Ms. Joleen Gardner
Science Department 513.641.1300 15427 Send a message
Mr. Joe Hetzer
Science Department, Head Girls Tennis Coach 513.641.1300 15438 Send a message
Mrs. Autumn Meyer
Science Department 513.641.1300 19639 Send a message
Mr. Steven Smith
Science Department 513.641.1300 17764 Send a message