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"For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics."

-Friar Roger Bacon

Core Courses

Algebra I, Part I and Part II

Algebra I


Algebra II


Probability and Statistics

Advanced Placement®


AP® Statistics

AP® Calculus AB

AP® Calculus BC


The Mathematics Department at Roger Bacon High School is sharing its curriculum with area Catholic grade schools. Students from partnering schools have the opportunity to graduate eighth grade with a high school credit in Algebra I, allowing them to be placed directly in a sophomore level Math course.


  • St. Clement
  • St. Gabriel
  • St. Michael
  • St. Vivian
  • St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
  • St. Vincent Ferrer

For detailed information on our course offerings, please refer to our CURRICULUM GUIDE HERE.

Department faculty

Mr. Brian Neal, '90

Mathematics Department Chair, Assistant Golf Coach 513.641.1300 12632 Send a message

Mr. David Kathman, '90

Mathematics Department 513.641.1300 13528 Send a message

Mr. Eric Neuhaus

Mathematics Department 513-641-1300 13634 Send a message

Mr. Michael Wiegand

Mathematics Department, Head Girls Basketball Coach 513.641.1300 16943 Send a message

Ms. Erin Colbert

Mathematics Department 513.641.1300 13265 Send a message

Mr. Mike Noszka

Mathematics Department, Head Boys Basketball Coach Send a message