Evening for Excellence $10,000 Grand Raffle sponsored by the Roger Bacon Alumni Association! Click DETAILS to purchase your chances!
Thank you for your interest in joining the Roger Bacon Family. Roger
Bacon High School is the city's only Franciscan high school serving
men and women in grades 9 -12. We take tremendous pride in
our strong academics, community atmosphere, and outreach programs. As our
Mission Statement says, "we are a Catholic high school which
develops the hearts, minds, and bodies of its young men and women in a
caring and challenging
Each applicant for employment or for a regular volunteer position must supply to the hiring agent personal information adequate to assess his or her suitability for contact with children. Responsible supervisors are to speak with all references provided by applicants for employment and to examine and verify the employment history. They are also to submit all names of applicants for employment or regular volunteer position for a background check with the Archdiocese. When the applicant is a member of a Catholic religious order or a Catholic Priest a reference should be sought from the proper canonical major superior. If circumstances warrant, the responsible supervisor is encouraged to further review. This policy is contained in Roger Bacon High School Child Protection Policy Manual 2020/21.