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Educational Experience

Today’s dynamic educational environment requires that we continually benchmark our progress to ensure inclusion of current best practices in education. The educational curriculum and how it progresses through each grade will be our focus. To further the development of the whole student, we will expand our capabilities in the following areas: skilled-based curriculum with common assessments, integration of cutting-edge technology, expanded Fine Arts offerings and expanded student opportunities. Recruitment, development, and retention of exceptional faculty who are passionate to educate students will be a core tactic.


Create Curriculum Alignment and Program Cohesion

  • Curriculum maps will be skill-centered with an emphasis on specific skill acquisition and demonstration on high stakes tests.

Increase Integration of Cutting-Edge Technology

  • Roger Bacon is committed to ensuring technology supports effective instruction and contributes to critical thinking, problem-solving and the learning process.

Expand Fine Arts Offerings

  • Roger Bacon High School will become a leader in Fine Arts and provide an opportunity for our student community to “grow through creativity.”

Broaden Student Educational Enrichment Opportunities

  • We will formalize our external partnership programs while designing ways to recognize and celebrate accomplishments at Roger Bacon.

Attract, Develop, & Retain Exceptional Teachers

  • We will work to ensure that salary and benefits are attractive and competitive.