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Campus Optimization

The buildings and facilities on Roger Bacon’s 25-acre campus provide many educational, athletic, and social opportunities for our students and their families. Preventative maintenance and effective utilization of our facilities are critical strategic imperatives. We will utilize a financial plan for the ongoing maintenance and upgrading of existing and new facilities. Roger Bacon High School will have facilities that enhance Roger Bacon’s image and provide the best environment for academic and athletic success.


Evaluate Campus Usage and Footprint

  • We will determine the efficiency of how our buildings, grounds, and outlying land are being used in order to update the campus master plan. Relationships with adjacent land owners will continue to be developed for potential future partnerships or land purchases.

Increase Campus Security

  • The safety of our students and faculty is our highest priority. We will maintain a safe environment for the Roger Bacon community through ongoing review of facilities, processes, procedures, and security needs.