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Temperature Checks & Symptom Screenings

Per the American Academy of Pediatrics:

  • Temperature checks and symptom screening are a frequent part of many reopening processes to identify symptomatic persons to exclude them from entering buildings.”
  • “School policies regarding temperature screening and temperature checks must balance the practicality of performing these screening procedures for large numbers of students and staff with the information known about how children manifest COVID-19 infection, the risk of transmission in schools, and the possible lost instructional time to conduct the screenings.”
  • “According to the CDC, children may be less likely to have fever, may be less likely to present fever as an initial symptom, and may have only gastrointestinal tract symptoms.”
  • “Parents should be instructed to keep their child at home if they are ill.”

Several key policies, procedures and expectations regarding the maintenance of a healthy environment are as follows:

  • Students who are ill, for whatever reason, should not be permitted to attend school until they are well. It is recommended that parents conduct a symptom check and take the temperature of their student(s) before coming to school.
  • Temperature and symptom checks will be conducted on all individuals entering the building. Any student or staff member with a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater or symptoms of possible COVID-19 virus infection will not be permitted to remain in the school building.
  • Our school nurse will be equipped to measure temperatures for any student or staff member who may become ill during the day.
  • A separate area to isolate students or staff who may have COVID-19 symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) will be used until the individual can safely return or be transported home.
  • Non-essential visits to the school by parents and family members are discouraged. Anyone entering must have a face covering, temperature check and be checked for symptoms.
  • Signage and messaging, both visual and oral, will provide information on COVID-19 symptoms. Signage will be posted in highly visible locations, especially high-traffic areas.

If a student, staff or faculty member is diagnosed with COVID-19:

  • The individual must stay home and isolate until they are well - a minimum of 10 days and at least 3 days without symptoms. For students, they will participate in remote learning during the isolation period.
  • When reporting the absence to school, notification of a positive COVID-19 test must be made.
  • Local health officials, staff/faculty, and families will be notified of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

If a student, staff or faculty member exhibits symptoms or has a fever greater than 100.4 degrees while at school:

  • Individuals will be immediately isolated at school and monitored by a staff member wearing appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • The isolation area where the individual is waiting to go home will be separate from the nurse’s office and other areas students are likely to visit.
  • Individuals who are sick should go home or to a healthcare facility depending upon the severity of the symptoms.
  • The area occupied by the individual exhibiting symptoms will be thoroughly sanitized.
  • When reporting the absence to school, notification of a positive COVID-19 test (if taken) must be made.

Policy and guidance regarding quarantining or isolation requirements for individuals (i.e., students, faculty, staff) who have tested positive for COVID-19 or had “exposure” in a school environment to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 are still being determined at the state and local levels. Once we receive more definitive guidance, we will be able to provide our policies and procedures in this area. Stay tuned!

As always, thank you for your assistance and cooperation as we navigate challenges associated with the starting of school.

Most recently updated August 7, 2020