Survey Results
Thank you for your participation in the survey regarding next school
year. We had an incredible 444 responses! A sincere thank you for taking
the time
and caring enough about our school community – it is a superb
example of why our students, families, faculty and staff are so special.
A couple of thoughts:
- It was clear that respondents want to start the school year with students on campus.
While Option 1 (100% of student body on campus
each day with necessary safety protocols in place) was selected
by almost a 3 to 1 margin, a blended model with rotating days of
on-campus instruction
and remote learning was clearly more desirable than a total
online educational experience.
- While there is a clear preference for students being on campus,
parents also expressed concerns about being able to do so safely.We are
in the process
of establishing safety protocols which are being sent to parents
via email. These are also be available on our website.
- In terms of participation in school activities, off-campus community service and athletics were the activities parents had the most
confidence that students could participate in safely.Conversely, overnight retreats and school dances elicited the most concern
in terms of allowing students to attend.
- We literally had 11 pages of free responses – thank you! We are
in the process of reading all of your comments, concerns and
recommendations. This feedback is invaluable and is being used to help shape our efforts for this coming school year.
- If we need to move to a more restrictive educational model due
to changing health requirements, your feedback regarding our online
instruction at the
end of last school year is extremely valuable. Remote learning
moving forward will look different than 4th quarter last school year
thanks to your input and insights.
As always, thank you for your assistance and cooperation as we navigate challenges associated with the starting of school.