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Contact Us

Roger Bacon High School
4320 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45217–1542

  • Phone: 513.641.1300
  • Call in sick: 513.618.7021
  • FAX: 513.641.0498
  • E-mail:
  • Office Hours: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM Monday-Friday

Other Roger Bacon Phone Numbers

Backdoor: 513.618.7020

This number goes directly to the Automated Attendant. This is convenient if you already know the station or voicemail number you want to reach.

Attendance Line: 513.618.7021 / email-

Call in absences or late arrivals any time to leave a message. Please include with your message (1) the name of the student, (2) name and relation of the person calling, (3) the year in school, (4) the date of the absence or tardy, (5) the reason for the absence/tardy.

Admissions Office

Admissions Phone: 513.641.1313
Fax: 513.641.4363

Athletic Department

Phone: 513.618.7016
Fax: 513.618.7047
Sports Line: 513.618.7017
Sports Scheduling: 513.618.7032

Advancement Office

Phone: 513.641-1313
Fax: 513.641–4363

Student Services Office

Phone: 513.641.1300
Fax: 513.618.7051

If you have any questions, please fill out the form below or contact the Main Office at 513.641.1300.