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Tuition Assistance

Roger Bacon High School believes the cost of a parochial education should not be a deterrent for your family. For the 2022-2023 school year, Roger Bacon High School awarded more than 1.4 million dollars in scholarships and financial assistance to approximately 60% of the student body.

Tuition Assistance is given on the basis of need determined by an independent analysis of your family's ability to pay tuition. If you are unable to pay full tuition, the Business Office attempts to supply the aid necessary that will allow you to receive a Roger Bacon education.

All applications for tuition assistance (FACTS forms) should be submitted directly to FACTS, which then forwards the information to the business office at Roger Bacon High School for evaluation. All applications for financial aid are held in the strictest confidence. The FACTS forms are due November 20, 2023. Click the button below to access the FACTS application for the 2023-2024 school year.

Facts Application